Sunday, March 17, 2019

(3-17) User Experience

This week, I focused on the ERIC API and the user experience of my site.

In terms of user experience, I focused on the teacher's side. I developed an interface for them to easily view, add, and delete rewards. The teacher can also view every student in the student database. Additionally, I created and implemented a many to many relationship between the relationship and student table. I am currently working on buttons for the teacher to issue achievements to students.

As for the ERIC API, I completely wiped the database and keys in order to possibly solve the authorization issue. However, the issue persists. Previously, the error was due to me sending the TCG administrator the incorrect public key (I sent them their public key instead of mine. Oops). I believe the issue now could lie in an incorrect creation of my public and private key. I used openssl to create a private key, and used the private key to create a public one with openssl as well. I will continue looking into it next week.

In conclusion, for next week, I plan on continuing the work I've done this week.

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