Monday, April 1, 2019

(4-1) Success

This week, I successfully implemented the authentication process of my side of the ERIC API.

The issue turned out to be 2 issues with my keys. The first issue was the fact my keys were 1028 bits, rather than 2056 bits (which is what the implementation of the ERIC API relied on). Additionally, my public key for the game server was not the same as the one the game server has implemented. I'm not sure how this happened, but after noticing (and solving) this problem, the authentication process was successful.

Next week, I plan on finally moving forward with development. I plan on further implementing the following things.
  • The entire user experience (look and feel of the site)
  • Updating and pulling reward data for a user
  • Pulling a user's cardbook from the game server
Additionally, if I am able to achieve these goals within the next few days, I will attempt to work on a poster to present at my school's research symposium. 

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