Wednesday, April 26, 2017

What Students See

Students participating in the user study for our attendance tracking system can download the application by visiting an opt-in URL that takes them to the Google Play Store. They download a 10 to 12 MB APK file and wait for the installation process to finish.

- user logs in, picks a course, sends the appropriate authentication method
- in case of connection error: try to show a diagnosable error message
- sends salted hash of password to the server
- receives course list (typically one course)
- user picks a course and sends the appropriate
- pattern, password, pin are all QML
- QR: quirc computer vision library, QML camera
- tried to process full image, instead use C++ to access and process preview image
- QR croppableimage in QML
- compile and upload to play store (we don't have CI)

- Hugo

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