Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Hello, hello,

As Danny mentioned, we have been working on the user study. Today we determined a few details about the questionnaire, for example
  1. It should gather simple background information about the user
  2. It will not be a lengthy survey
  3. Appropriate wording will take a bit longer than determining the questions
  4. We may give the several groups (control and the others) the same questionnaire
This week we will have a meeting with Dr. Zheng where we will discuss how to determine the effectiveness of the visuals. Hence, soon I will post more information on the questions that may be found in the survey. Till then.

- Eunice.

Itty Bitty Update


Since coming back from Tapia we have been busy preparing for the user study. Recently, we have finished working on a Google Chrome browser extension that was really simple to implement after already having a javaScript file from the Firefox implementation. Using a simple .json configuration file, the Chrome extension was made to manipulate description pages of applications. Before the end of the school year you may be able to find this extension for download on the chrome web store.
The extension works the same way the GreaseMonkey script works in the Firefox browser. Later today we should be meeting to discuss the design of the survey. Until then!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tapia 2013


As some may or may not have known, last week end was the 2013 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference. It was a great conference with plenty of great speakers and diverse representatives from all fields of computer science.

 I attended as a presenter for the student research poster session to present our current research. Overall the research was engaging to attendees of the conference and it sparked much interest more then likely due to the great poster design done by Eunice. I also got to meet many other students part of CREU as well as Jamika Burge. Talking with these students and hearing about all the other research that is possible because of this program was a great experience. Below is a picture of our poster and me next to it.

Next we are looking to finalizing our code and expand to a comprehensive user study. More will be discussed at a meeting tomorrow. Until next post!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Status of Poster


Our poster for the Tapia Conference is essentially complete. Dr. Zheng will review it and then we shall proceed to print it. Hopefully the specialized printer in charge of that mighty task will be as interesting as it seems (an oversized printer!) Nonetheless, again, Danny is leaving for the conference on Thursday.

- Eunice.

Sunday, February 3, 2013



This will be the second post of the day. Last week our team met on Friday to go over smaller details of the user study, which will be our second step, and to discuss the contents of our research poster, which is still a work in progress. Also, our meetings now occur every other week.

Since the scripts are completed, Danny and I have focused on completing the poster for the Tapia conference. He is leaving on Thursday morning, and I believe that the conference takes place on Friday. Nonetheless, tomorrow we will get to print it and possibly show you.

- Eunice.

Scripts in Action


Here we go, screenshots of the scripts in action! The following three images show the app's overall security risk score.

See the permissions tab? It shows which permissions are requested by the application.
If we click on it, we get the following