Sunday, January 6, 2013

CSS for a Script


Danny and I have been working on multiple scripts that change the appearance of the permissions tab within Google Play. For example, if we look at this app, we see four tabs indicating the overview, user reviews, what's new, permissions for it (above). Within the permissions tab, permissions categories are listed, and under those categories we find the permission names. Our scripts add more content next to the permission name, such as a security rating and a percentage bar. The total risk score of the app is displayed above the star rating (pictured above).

Soon I will post prettier and more detailed pictures of the script's visual result.

- Eunice.

Our work so far


After one semester of work as well as most of winter break to look a good bit of it over there are some working visuals associated with our work. As a quick summary of it you can browse the following screenshots of a working part of out work so far. 
 Above is an example of an applications web page on the google play website and below shows what is changed when we calculate a score for the app and present the information to the user.
With the simple graphics on the page as well as some other similar changes to the webpage, an idea about an apps potential maliciousness can be conveyed to the user in a quick easy manner. 

Lastly below is an example of an app that may not be malicious necessarily, but requests an abnormally large number of permissions that put it in a position to be potentially dangerous.

there will be more to come in the coming weeks, stay tuned!
